Crockpot Beef Tacos


This easy and delicious recipe is perfect for a busy day. Flavorful beef, thanks to the ingredients you mix in at the end!



- Beef Chuck Roast - Beef Broth - Spices - Lime Juice - Taco Toppings - Flour Tortillas

Cut meat into 3-4” chunks. Sear them in a skillet over medium-high heat.

Mix together the spices. Save 2 tablespoons for later. Add beef, broth, and spices to the crockpot.

Cook on low for 6-7 hours. Shred, then mix in the 2 remaining tablespoons of seasoning and juice from 1-2 limes.

Assemble your tacos with your favorite taco toppings like fresh cilantro and diced onions.


Searing the chuck roast before adding it to the crockpot is optional, but it will add flavor to your beef and make your tacos taste even better.

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